blog entry #5 - all about princess peach
11/29/22 - Tuesday 1:25 pm
princess peach is one of my favorite characters ever (if you couldn't tell from all the pink and the header) and i've been really into looking for her older designs lately. it seems like the pink dress and blonde hair started showing up around 1991, with her appearance in super mario world for the snes. before that, she had either red or brown hair. the pink dress has always been a staple, aside from the first game when she had a red and white dress. my personal favorite dress for her was in super smash bros brawl for the wii. i can see why they probably didn't stick with it since it's very detailed but it's just really pretty and i wish they had used it afterwards. to be fair they do sort of bring it back in smash bros ultimate but i don't really count that since it's not technically a game in the mario series.
while i wish princess peach got more attention from nintendo in terms of games, a common misconception is that peach has never had her own game. in reality, she had her own ds game, super princess peach. it's one of my personal favorite games ever and it's super cute, though the whole "she's using her emotions as a weapon" was kinda iffy. if anything, nintendo should give daisy her own game! daisy's a girlboss too >:( don't ignore her nintendo!!! as for rosalina, no, i don't think super mario galaxy was a rosalina game just because it was her debut. it's literally called super mario galaxy...i want nintendo to make a mainstream daisy game and a rosalina game. will that ever happen? no, probably not. but it's worth ranting about, i guess
also do ya'll remember the princess peach is bowser jr's mom theory?? i remember it being a really popular theory with mario fans a couple years ago and i always thought it was interesting. it was apparently disproven because the dialogue that implied this was in mario sunshine, and in that game bowser went out of his way to convince bowser jr that peach was his mom and that mario had to be the bad guy for breaking up their family. me personally, i think it's possible. you're telling me peach gets kidnapped all the time and they haven't put up any kind of security measures?? surely they would have figured something to keep bowser out right?? uh. anyways. peach initially had some kind of powers to prevent bowser and his army from getting in and that's why he was kidnapping her. idk why they did away with that it honestly would have been sick af to see peach use those. maybe in the new movie they'll do something with that. and yeah technically you could say super princess peach had those powers in it but i dont count that one because i say so
also i honestly think luigi and peach would be cute together. i dont care if mario and peach are supposed to be canon mario's probably a super straight and an andrew tate fan. i dont even dislike him i just think im right
signing off, atlas ♥